Research Project: High-exposed children in Belarus

The Research

Since 2001 Research Institute Juelich in cooperation with The Institute of Radiation Safety Belrad in Minsk carried out the research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Environment.

In a first phase of the research project the effeciveness and side effects of pectine product Vitapect were examined and scientifically evaluated. The effects of Vitapect with regard to reduction of radiation exposure of children during their three-week stay at sanatorium was conducted during winter 2003/4.

In this case about 700 children were examined in a double-blind experiment with regard to their body cesium-137 content and their health. Some of the children were also observed for possible side effects.

The Result

The result of the non contaminated nutrition was reduction of cesium body content for all children. Average decrease of cesium in bodies of the control group was 13%. Average decrease of cesium for children who were given daily 10g of Vitapect dissolved in drinking water for the period of 14 days was 34%.

This is a significant acceleration of natural cesium excretion. Subsequent continuous administration of pectine would cause corresponding reduction of internal dose effect.

The study of side effects did not show any adverse effects. Especially no unfavorable change of the zinc, copper, iron and potassium content of the body was observed. General health including the cardiovascular parameters of all children developed positive.


Translated from the original german document: Forschungsprojekt: Hochexponierte Kinder in Weissrussland written by Dr. R. Hille and Dr. P. Hill, Forschungszentrum Juelich

Astaldo group